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    All comments by Endi Poskovic

    People are Talking: UMS Presents Goran Bregovic and his Wedding and Funeral Orchestra at Hill Auditorium:

  • Thank you Natasa, Ken, Liz, Svjetlana, and all involved in this project to bring Goran Bregovic and the Wedding and Funeral Orchestra to Ann Arbor. This was the most extraordinary event in memory. As someone who, during my youth in the 1980s, played the music of the Balkans at festivals throughout Europe and the Middle East, I have again experienced the power of music to transcend cultural and political boundaries. As I said last week,
    Goran and his band indeed opened a window and guided us into the everyday reality of a different world. And we were all there last Saturday, as neighbors. And that is a magical world to be a part of!

  • My next-door neighbor, Goran Bregovic:

  • Lisa, thank you. The meaning of Bijelo Dugme, White Button, is very much related to the traditional Bosnian and Balkan folklore and songs. A girl or a young woman would sew a white button on her dress as a gesture of affection. As the lyrics of the original song “If I were a white button” and their first major hit go something like:

    If I were a white button
    Girl would button into me (or me into her)
    If I were a blue button
    Girl wouldn’t know that I slept beside her (plavo/blue and spavo/sleep rimes in the native language

    It is the one of the first times that a traditional song was incorporated into a major rock music arrangements in Yugoslav music. Hope this helps.


    In response to:

    Endi, Thanks for such a wonderful story. I had one question: did the name ‘White Button’ for Goran’s former band have a particular meaning that has been lost in translation? Or was it meant to be nonsensical?

    by Lisa Murray