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    All comments by Kaivalya Deshpande

    People Are Talking: UMS presents Cheikh Lô at The Michigan Theater:

  • Great performance and display of talent. The versatile drum added to the energetic vibe of the night and the enticing compositions made for a wonderful experience at the Michigan Theater. A maverick display of the power and force of percussion and its ability to take the form of sounds that one wouldn’t know were possible. Yet another enjoyable night brought upon by this series.

  • People Are Talking: UMS presents The San Francisco Symphony American Mavericks Festival:

  • What a great ending to a outstanding series of maverick performances. I thoroughly enjoyed the chamber works, particularly the monodrama. The eccentric style of music stood out, and I especially enjoyed the beautiful solo voice. These few nights have brought upon many challenging ideals and have set a stage for a new style and generation of music. I commend UMS for sharing this experience with everyone.

  • People Are Talking: UMS presents The San Francisco Symphony American Mavericks Festival:

  • The 3rd installment of this SFS Maverick series was just as grand as the ones that preceeded it. The music and images intertwined to give a breathtaking effect and evoke many more senses than before. I personally enjoyed the piano concerto and thought it was exectued wonderfully. And of course, the finale of the concord symphony was just beautiful, using bits and pieces of such a wide plethora of music styles. I’m so glad to have been part of this event.

  • People Are Talking: UMS presents The San Francisco Symphony American Mavericks Festival:

  • Seeing Cage on the composer’s list I knew what I was walking into last night. His style of composition and the angle he takes on music is truly maverick, and thought provoking. That being said, I myself could not relate to the performances that took place; the dissonance and atonality was a bit much. However the sheer thought and practice that went into the compositions and work were enough for me to appreciate the night. I commend SFS as well as UMS for exposing us to such bold and challenging works of art.

  • People Are Talking: UMS presents The San Francisco Symphony American Mavericks Festival:

  • Last night’s performance was one that truly resembled the notion of maverick. It was challenging, took me away from my comfort zone, and allowed me to see music in a different light–all that which I came for. My favorite was the Mass Transmissions piece, where I could literally feel the emotions of the mother in her part longing to hear the voice of her daughter. The whole night itself was executed beautifully and I can’t wait for the next installations.

  • People Are Talking: UMS presents The Andersen Project by Robert Lepage at The Power Center:

  • What a brilliant display of talent and power by Yves Jacques. I recently read Anderson’s original stories and I can confidently say that the performance done last night encapsulated everything Hans Anderson wrote and was a spectacular display of both storytelling and opera. It was an invaluable experience to see such talent and bravado.

  • People Are Talking: UMS presents Random Dance at The Power Center:

  • I returned from the FAR performance with a new perspective on dance. Being used to seeing traditional dance, such as jazz or contemporary, the night’s performance changed my outlook. The so called “random” movements, seemed very intentional and beautifully executed. For me, the most interesting aspect was the silhouette effect that was created, using similarly shaped bodies and lighting. This directed one’s focus towards the intricate movements and the synchrony and “dis-synchrony” of the dancer’s positions at all times. Overall, wonderful performance, I thoroughly enjoyed the work.

  • People Are Talking [and Video Booth]: Einstein on the Beach at Power Center:

  • Having only heard of traditional opera’s before, I went to Einstein on the Beach with limited expectations and background. There were many parts where I couldn’t follow the story or didn’t understand what was going on, but the thing I got out of this was the overall feeling of entrancement, where the music, overlapping narration, and scenes had some sort of dissonant harmony which rendered an almost meditative state. The experience was relaxing.