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    All comments by John Boggs

    People Are Talking [and Video Booth]: Einstein on the Beach at Power Center:

  • It’s amazing when you see a show that totally changes and widens your perspective on opera and art in general. I was so impressed by every aspect of the performance: the singers, dancers, instrumentalists and soloist (the saxophonist and violinist were shreddin it up!), the speakers, set design, lighting, everything! It was really refreshing to see something so new in opera, and I was almost constantly fascinated by what was happening on the stage and in the pit. I wish I could have seen it twice because there were so many minute details that were really awesome and I know that for as many of them I saw I probably missed just the same.

    I loved the Field/Space movements, the dancers and singers performed SO well and the stamina to endure through those parts (let alone the other 3 1/2 hours) was remarkable.

    The ending blew my mind. What a perfect way to end the piece, after everything we’d seen up till that point, a story of pure love with gorgeous music, amazing lighting, and an air of utter simplicity to the scene.

    To everyone involved in this magnificent production, BRAVO/A. People will be talking about this for a long time.