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    All comments by Linda Milligan

    People Are Talking [and Video Booth]: Einstein on the Beach at Power Center:

  • John and I drove up from Columbus, Ohio for this rare opportunity. Fantastic! The performance was hypnotic, every aspect. I couldn’t take myself away from it even for a moment. The music and the choral performances were beautiful and haunting, and seemed to tap into something meditative and dream-like, unconscious, taking us along on this voyage in time and space. The dancers were so skilled, not just in movement but in their ability to move so slowly or not move at all. I was particularly struck by the two dancers who performed weightlessness while lying down. That would be so hard to do, and it happened relatively late in the performance when I would have imagined them to be exhausted. But I had the sense that these performers, all of them, were themselves moved along by the beauty and depth of the opera. The operatic timing was impeccable. How the chorus was able to learn the nuances of each of their parts is a mystery to me. It must have taken real dedication. And the sets were wonderful. I will always remember the flashing lights of the spaceship, but most of all I will remember the haunting scene in the fog at the rear of the train that was nearly matched by the fog outside when we drove home. Thank you University of Michigan for bringing this performance.